Winning, losing and wearing tracksuit pants
cried in front of two strangers at Fairbridge Folk Festival in Western Australia.
We were standing outside the Churros stall, discussing what a wonderful weekend
of music it had been, when a young woman who was passing by stopped to say: “Hey
Ange, I just wanted to let you know that you were my favourite”.
she walked off I could feel my throat tightening and tears welling up in my
eyes. The couple who I’d been chatting to seemed a little surprised at my
overly emotional reaction to the girl’s compliment but what they didn’t know is
that it came off the back of an extraordinary gig. One of those gigs you live
for as an artist. When the venue is absolutely jam-packed full of people who
hang on your every word and song. When you sell out of your CDs and books. When
you walk away feeling like a winner.
my tears were not about winning. They were about knowing what it feels like to
an independent artist you can spend months making tour plans, booking flights,
doing radio interviews, promoting gigs online, putting up posters, singing your
heart out, juggling your day-job with your dream-job ... only to find yourself
performing to a half-empty venue where the audience consists mostly of people
over the age of 70 who are wearing tracksuit pants and eating M&Ms out of
plastic cups ... or singing to a packed venue, only to sell one CD and have a man
approach your merchandise stall asking whether your music is available at the
local library ... or travelling a great distance, only to be told on arrival by
a festival volunteer that your accommodation for the next three nights will be
a swag inside a sheep shed ... or arriving home at the end of a long tour to
realise you didn't even break-even.
when that you cry tears of frustration and ask yourself what on earth you are
doing with this whole 'music thing' ... and why, months later, you cry tears of
joy when someone taps you on the shoulder at a festal and says "you were
my favourite”.
you’re reading this blog it means you’ve been supporting my creative career
(the winning gigs and the losing gigs) and for that – I am truly, madly, deeply
P.S. The above photo was taken at Fairbridge Folk Festival inside one of my favourite venues of all time - The Chapel. I did some bonding with Mother Mary and her (rather chunky) Baby Jesus backstage ahead of my performance. It paid off.
P.P.S. For the record - I have nothing against people who wear tracksuit pants.
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