Water fights, elephants and flying horses...Lao New Year
water fight time in Laos which means that leaving one's house is an open
invitation to get drenched by any means...buckets, hoses, water pistols. It's
not unusual for the water to have dye in it or other unsavoury things. For this
reason I will be placing my valuables in an attractive plastic pouch.
My first
experience of Pi Mai took place in the alleyway near my home yesterday. It
involved an eight year old boy with a water gun bigger than him, pointed in my
direction. He tilted his head timidly to the side and lifted his shoulders as
if to say "Would it be okay for me to water you?". I replied in Lao,
just as timidly, "Noi neung", which means "a little". I had
zero confidence that he'd honour my request given that I'd spent the afternoon
watching people getting saturated by strangers. But, to my surprise, he put
down his gun, walked over to his big bucket of water, filled a cup and walked
towards me. I put my hands out and he gently poured the cup over them, allowing
me to cool my forehead from the 40 degree heat. I have a feeling that the other
Lao New Year revellers I encounter over the next week will not be as sweet and
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